SRI & Global Channel-TES

Prepared by Peter Lichang Kuo ( Chinese ) A. Overview K-Horn Science was an Incubator established by founder Peter Li-Chang Kuo in New York in 1979. It incubated those products such as satellite receivers and cable TV, and advocated social responsibility investment (SRI) since the 1980s, hoping to provide instrumental solution to resolve structural social problems. Therefore, the new tech-economic system – “ The Electronic Store System ” (The eStore System, “ TES ” in short) was invented. Linda Din, the President of K-Horn Science Inc. won “ Steering the E-Commerce ” at APEC 1998 based on the said invention, in order to implement the United States President Bill Clinton’s “ E-Commerce Executive Order ”, and then won the APEC 2003 Best Practice with the " Global Channel-TES " proposal on the stage, and further achieved a major e-commerce industry across the century, while in line with a multilateral trading system. Since " Cashless System " in TES has been ado...